Nov 19, 2024 - 05:57 PM
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Nov 19, 2024 - 05:57 PM
View all Rollators Questions & Answers
We’ve provided several answers to questions related to Nitro Euro Style Tall Rollator , see some other helpful Q&A related to this product.
Question: How high is seat from ground
Answer: The seat to floor height for this rollator is 23.6 inches.
Question: What is the front wheel size of the drive nitro tall RS28 walker?
Answer: The Nitro Euro Style Tall Rollator features robust 10" front wheels, offering maneuverability and stability.
Question: What is the size of the drive nitro tall's two front wheels?
Answer: The Nitro Euro Style Tall Rollator's front wheels are 10 inches in size, offering maneuverability and stability.
Question: How can I bill Medicare for the Drive Nitro Tall Rollator?
Answer: We do not accept insurance reimbursements for the Nitro Euro Style Tall Rollator. However, you may contact your insurance provider to explore options for personal reimbursement.
Question: Could you provide a payment plan for the Drive Nitro Tall Rollator?
Answer: Unfortunately, we do not offer any payment plan at the moment for the Nitro Euro Style Tall Rollator.