Nov 13, 2024 - 11:18 AM
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Nov 13, 2024 - 11:18 AM
View all Manual Wheelchairs Questions & Answers
We’ve provided several answers to questions related to Blue Streak Wheelchair , see some other helpful Q&A related to this product.
Question: On the Blue Streak 16 inch wheel chair are the wheel rings removeable?
Answer: The wheel rings are not removable on the Blue Streak Wheelchair.
Feel free to contact our dedicated customer service reps if you have any further questions.
Question: What is the overall weight of the Blue Streak blue wheelchair?
Answer: The Blue Streak Wheelchair offers three different seat widths, each with its own weight specifications. The model with the 16" seat width weighs 41.25 lbs, the 18" option weighs 43 lbs, and the 20" version weighs 46 lbs.