Nov 11, 2024 - 06:32 PM
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Nov 11, 2024 - 06:32 PM
View all Recliner (Geri) Chairs Questions & Answers
We’ve provided several answers to questions related to ComfortEZ 3-Position Recliners , see some other helpful Q&A related to this product.
Question: What is the floor-to-seat-top height of ComfortEZ recliners?
Answer: The ComfortEZ 3-Position Recliner features a seat-to-floor height of 19.5". This recliner is crafted for comfort, versatility, and ease of use, making it an ideal choice among medical recliners for various healthcare settings.
Question: What is the ComfortEZ recliners' weight capacity limit?
Answer: The ComfortEZ 3-Position Recliners, a model of medline recliners, has a maximum weight capacity of 300 lbs, ensuring durability and reliability.